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The 2024 SC Child Support Guidelines have increased income thresholds for child care costs.

In addition to increasing combined annual income for child support calculations, there have been many additional rule revisions to the South Carolina Child Support regs.  A very significant one is the consideration for the qualified tax credits resulting from work related child care costs.

The 2024 revisions significantly increase the threshold incomes for claiming these costs. For instance, for a primarily residential parent to receive the credit for two children under the 2014 Guidelines, their income only had to be $2,600.00.  Under the 2024 Guidelines, their income has to be $4,600.00.  This is a significant change to the math that will result in an incorrect child support calculation if the 2024 income threshold is not used.

In fact, across the board, under the 2024 Guidelines, the threshold incomes have increased approximately 50% which means that the primary residential parent will have to earn more before the deduction for the qualified tax credit can be approximated. 

We have incorporated this important revision into our guideline math, but we have noted that certain other software programs may not have done so.  

Guy Vitetta, Settlyd
