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Supremes make clarifications and modifications to Administration of the SC Family Courts.

On September 25, 2024 The South Carolina Supreme Court issued a new Administrative Order titled Duties of Family Court Chief Judges for Administrative Purposes.  

The new order sets forth clear rules on the "ABC" trial roster; how trials are to be assigned and re-assigned in case of conflict, what to do when an A or B settles prior to trial, how to re-assign B's and C's that are not reached during a trial term and to whom the cases should be assigned.

A significant clarification is made regarding a 30 minute Temporary Hearing.  For a 30 minute Temporary, affidavits are specifically limited to 16 pages, where in the prior order this page limit was not addressed.  Further, for both 15 or 30 minute Temporary Hearing, exhibits do not count towards the page limit so long as they are "offered only as verification of information in the affidavits."

Also, "(a)bsent a waiver granted by the Chief Justice, the family court docket shall convene not later than 9:30 a.m. each day of the term of court."  Hmmm.... this could be problematic!

Take a gander at this new rule and keep it handy for your hearings.

Guy Vitetta