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Calculating Disposable Net Income With Settlyd

Knowing how much cash is available for our clients after a divorce or separation is critical. 

Settlyd's Net Income worksheet permits you to enter income and desired support figures, as well as entering miscellaneous expenses, to come as close as possible to a "Net Need".

All you have to do is enter the fixed numbers for income, support, etc, then fill in the "Other" category as show above.

In this example I  have given Dad 25k per month in income, Mom 5k, Dad pays 3,000 in Alimony and 2,000 in Child Support.  Adding the "page 2" monthly expenses and state tax, I get a real monthly net disposble need for both Mom and Dad.

It's just so much easier!

We hope you find this Tip helpful, be well and stay safe,

Guy and Sean