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Working with Settlyd in Mediation

Mediation is the time for Settlyd to help us get us over the hill and reach resolution. 

First, make sure your Child Support and Financial Declaration worksheets are updated to the current income and expense numbers. Print them out, if you have not already done so, and have them ready for discussion.

Next, go through your the financial declaration entries and select the line items that you want to use to populate the Asset Division Worksheet.

Save and open the Asset Division  Worksheet.

You will see that the fair market values are under the grey bar on the left of the page.  

Settlyd provides you with 2 columns for your asset division analysis.

Adjust the values in column A to reflect your best case scenario in mediation.  Leave Column B to its default setting

Now, during mediation work exclusively with Column B. Doing so will allow you to keep your eye on your equitable apportionment goal while negotiating your settlement.