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Making Money With Settlyd

Settlyd Family Law Software is developed and maintained by two family law lawyers with over 50 years of combined experience in the family law courts.

We know how it works in Family Law: It's all billable time and our work product must be better than excellent.

Settlyd does both:  Every minute of time on Settlyd is billable time and the resulting work product is better than excellent. 

For example, here are 5 things that Sean and I do in the beginning of every case to create income for our law firms and produce an excellent work product.

1. Use the client portal Opening a client matter on Settlyd and sending the client access to the secure client portal is all billable time and usually takes a paralegal about 15 minutes or $25 at $100/hr.

2. Review client entries in Financial Declaration. Once I have been notified that my client has completed their entries, I review the entries on the declaration line by line. During this process I am checking to make sure each entry of income and expense is a monthly number, and I will make decisions as to which of the declared assets and debts will populate the Asset Division worksheet. When I am finished I download the Financial Declaration and save to client folder. This process generally takes about 30 minutes, or $150.  

3.  Review Asset Division worksheet. At this point I open the Asset Division worksheet and review the data and the pre-set defaults for division of assets. I make adjustments in accord to my client's "best case wishes" and download and save to his file. This step will usually be about another 30 minutes or $150.

4. Work up one or two Child Support worksheets.  Now I run some child support worksheets based upon the information I have, download them and save to my client's file.  30 minutes or $150.

5. Email the pdf's to your client:  Once I have completed the above steps, I email the pdf's to my client. I inform my client what the worksheets mean and solicit their input. They are impressed with my preparedness and glad to have me as their Lawyer!! 15 minutes or $75.

As you can see, opening just one matter on Settlyd, reviewing the client entries, preparing high quality worksheets and emailing them to client earned $550 for our law firms. Annual cost of a Settlyd membership for 2 people is $600.