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Keeping your financials clearly organized and in the cloud will give you an edge in these unsettled

These times are very hard and our practices have already changed dramatically.  We need mobility- the ability to run our practices from home, an office, or anywhere we have an internet connection, without effecting the high quality of our work product. 

This Tip shows a simple way to keep your client's financial data clearly organized and accessible to you with maximum flexibility and no reduction in quality. 

First, make sure your Settlyd data is clearly described on all worksheets and the financial declaration. See Settlyd Tip "Name That Category".

Now create a folder for your client's matter in a cloud account like iCloud or Dropbox. Then create individual files for each financial account and name them in the same manner as you did in Settlyd.

One more point:  Scan and save all notes, correspondence and filings in the same cloud based folder. 

Not only will you have 100% access to all of your client data, access to Settlyd will allow you to work (i.e. bill) on your cases regardless of where you happen to be working.